Tuesday, March 16, 2010

the high seas

this was a funny little sketch that
had been in my ideas journal for a little
while , one of those things where you say,
what do i do with this, so when serge asked
me to do a poster for his upcoming gig , this
was the first image i thought of..now this orphan
has a home

it kinda comes from this idea i had as a kid when
i thought the sky was the reflection of the ocean..
in adult reality this makes no sense..lucky i dont
live in adult reality

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

return to lighthouse island

its not often that you get a chance to
re-do commercial art but in the case of
boy and bear i did..an EP design , yet to
be used from months ago , was asked to be
updated into a booklet for their forth coming
EP. giddy with excitement i jumped back into
this world eager to expand on what i had done before

These are early landscape designs for
island its based upon france's mont st

recently i have become interested in death
masks and from seemingly nowhere i felt
compelled to make a forest of walt whitmans

this is an early rendering of our
favourite native american fox/man.
i wish sometimes i could give every
character a lantern to carry .

Thursday, March 4, 2010

dib dib dob dob , location scouts honour

this is kinda a spread sheet of some
of the locations i have found for the
upcoming boy and bear video..more pics and
making of's to come , as it starts coming
together ( fingers crossed)

Monday, March 1, 2010

giving a face lift to a classic

playing with a well known image would
usually daunt me but there was something
about vemeers girl with the pearl that almost
begged for it to be played with. So when i was
asked if i could do something based upon it by
the lovely hannah Maguire i was rather eagre to
tinker. the result is one part an andy warholing
of her and another part , well me , my little
stamp of twee and cute..
as a result both hannah and I are extremely
happy with the result..

the rag and bag trade

As a result of being a finalist ,
i received a stall at the upcoming
finders keepers markets..but what to
fill it with..well after mocking some
designs up it seems apparent that i
should be selling shirts and calico bags.
fingers crossed the public likes them
anyways these are some rough mock ups