Thursday, September 30, 2010

behind the scenes : day one

heres some behind the scenes pics of
kade playing the bored 60's business man
in the video of come around for band
tim and jean..more about this shoot soon

and then there was light.....houses

heres some behind the scenes pics from
the lighting/set/band rehearsal for the
boy and bear national tour..the star field
wasnt done so we just had these mocked up as
well as a animation projection..boy oh boy i
think this will be the gig of the year

Sunday, September 26, 2010

dont cry tin sparrow , you'll rust

this is a kinda sneaky peak at the upcoming
album art for amazing sydney band tin sparrow..
as you might be able to tell im really into
unexplained phenomena at the moment and this idea
of boats raining ( be it not from clouds as the
album art might reveal ) anyways more on this later
for now here is the web banner for their myspace

Friday, September 24, 2010

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

keepers found

so here it is my flyer/poster
for the finders keepers markets
twas a massive honour being asked
to do this..was a long journey but i am
very happy with feels a lot like
the stuff i was doing for cuthbert and
the nightwalkers which made me happy as
that was a great era in my life...
also nice to be putting ink on the paper
again after a lot of video and photographic

so im gonna keep track of this and get
pics of it out and about and at the event..:)

Sunday, September 19, 2010

mavis forever

wow , this totaly blew my mind
that someone had my album art for
mexican mavis tattoed on their body..

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

georgia fair ep art revealed

this is essentially a text free
look at the ep work for georgia was this image that lead
to the clip..the clip is an adaptation
of the art..a first for very proud
of this work and will probably look back on
it as one of those key turning points on what
i hope is a large map of my artistic career.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

heres the sun ..its alright..heres the moon..its alright

its been a little bit of a wait but here
it is the sun vs moon video clip for
boy and bear

times fly when youre.....

im very happy to say that my time bending
folk rock epic is up and can be viewed on
the youtubes here

here are some screen caps from the video

Sunday, September 5, 2010

behind the scenes

Here are some pics i took during my
georgia fair video was a massive
two day shoot that spanned alot of locations,
bad food ,yerts , karaoke, climates and trampoline the end it was worth as we ended up
with a lot of great footage ..
Our main locations were lake george ,which was a dream
to shoot in and a misty forest..and they pay me for this!

Friday, September 3, 2010

wtf is going on?!

rumours have circulated that these recently
discovered old photos of strange un-natural events
may be linked with an upcoming album release and
video clip..

when the dead walk the earth

this is still a little incomplete
but i was asked by this punk/rockabilly
band to do an album cover for them..
the seemed keen to have something very early
60's in i had this idea of a skeletons
slow path to being a ghost..kinda like a motion track
of the even ..anyways this is a little bit saul bass and
a little bit shepard fairy in style but im rather happy with
the result .

falling or landing

so i signed up to do posters for this once a month
indie music night called natural selection..its logo
is found a few posts with this one i wanted
to do something with a bit of impact and recently a friend
of mine had mentioned the doco the falling man and this idea
of inverting a fall popped in my head..thus this poster was