this picture was taken by dimity on the dead letter chorus video shoot over the last few days..more of her lovely bts photos soon as well as the video which is a love child of where the wild things are and peter pan
..i postered it is just for the mercury lounge show with other australian band city riot and the other is for all three boy and bear nyc shows..i love working my branding on this...and putting those lighthouses in place of the nyc skyline was pure joy..its nice when you can work with a smile on your face
This was such an incredibly fun video shoot doing it small scale and with friends and new friends made for such a light hearted atmosphere.. The story is a middle age - coming of age tale of man who is rigid and bored encountering this new world thats opening up during the early 60's and his meagre adventures that follow as he attemps to live the rebel a film nerd it was pure joy putting in many refrences from the age such as rebel without a cause and the man in the grey flannel suit.
this was someting very different for me but something im very proud of , its a direction i would loved to steer towards every once in a a way its related in composition to push pin studios bob dylan poster from the 60s..its just a image that i felt from the get go was working and thats pretty i hope that the winter people might be impressed by i as i would love to work with them at some stage.
I always liked the idea that if you dug far enough that you would reach china so when i was coming up with this idea i thought imagine if you climbed high enough what would you reach..and the hope would be , make the effort all worth this s part of a huge branding for the band that will evolve over the next few months
a few weeks i got asked to photograph local fave band cloud control for the cover of the brag..i wanted to infuse some kinda artwork into it and decided upon what we coined on the day a " landbrella"
what wasnt planned on the day was all these office dogs hanging around so i decided to put them in the shoot to make it more playful..we were so happy with the results we made it the main story picture...
funny story i was working on this when i heard a real mr whippy drive down our street..bare foot i chased it for four streets and eventuall caught up to it and bought a yummy choc top..
this was our rebel without a cause remake part of the clip. so much fun filming a drag race on bikes ..i highly endorse doing one.. side note ..if you want birds to fly up in your shot , fed them pizza shapes
This was my first shoot with amelia and jonathan in a while and my first shhot with my 550d had so much fun on this shoot and passenger is an amazing singer.. I may be doing a video for him very soon!