and finding out all i can and i suppose this has seeped
into my art , it also helps that i was asked to do this
years frogfest poster and gave me a chance to tie the two
the first series of ideas were all pretty much obvious
and just had well dressed men with frog heads until frog
dissection dawned on me and then i could not delete those
previous thoughts quick enough..i like those lightning bolt
moments but now we are getting into Benjamin Franklin and
that's a whole other story

here is the first draft of it..had a lot of fun making it
feel like both an old scientific journal or document , placing
the type around the page and anchoring it various parts of the
frog ( sadly the type proved to be too small to work as a poster
and a happy medium needed to be found ).

Heres the end result , a bit cleaner but still maintaining
that old scientific feel .