here is the first rough concept drawing for the redjayway video clip..
here also is the first draft of the treatement..
Birds of a featherVideo clip
By Jefferton James.
then a light from above illuminates a couple holdinghands , facing each other their two heads form a house...as moments pass the seperate to show us that the man wearsone half of the house around his head and the woman wears the other..they are holding hands but their grip loosens as the lightsfade...
fade up
the couple at a table eating dinner both the man and the woman havea half a resturaunt around their heads..clearly things are'nt going very well.. fade down
fade up
we see the womans half of the house connected with another house thatisn't the main characters as we dramatically pan around we see the maincharacter enter frame . he realises what's going on as the lights go out...
fade up
we see the womans hands present back her half of the house and leaves..the manis clearly upset..fade down
Fade up
the man sits very much alone with the entire house on his headwe cut to inside the house where the man's oversized head looksaround at the kitchen and the tv...sadly this is all he has right now..Fade down
Fade up
we see the man sitting on the train to work ..all around him are connected head houses..he looks away...Fade down
Fade up
we see the man with his office cubicle around his head..he tries in vein to be distractedby work but the feeling lingers ...he looks off into space we pull back through a dead and sterileoffice that seems to go on forever ( this is also attached to his head )...out of the dark a man madeentirely of office supplies yells at him to do some work..he surrenders and we fade down...
Fade up
lifeless the man stares at us ..he has half the house attached but as we pull out to a widershot he connects the other half of the house and stumbles off into the dark..
Fade up
a busker sits playing the title song ( thats you alex ) we pan around to see the man lookingdishevilled and the half a house is in a mess...he looks across at a girl who's eyes " containthe sadness of the world" ..he awkwardly smiles..she awkwardly smiles back..Fade down
Fade up
the two seem to have connected and are holding hands and are looking at the stars that dangle fromstrings..Fade down
Fade up
the man presents half of the house to her...she looks at it a beat then tries it on..it doesnt fit..he looks worried..she hands him hers..and again it doesnt fit...their hands slip and they seem worriedFade down
Fade up
we see the man dig into his chest and literaly remove his heart...the heart too is a little house withwindows and a door...he removes a tiny version of himself from the heart house and gives it to her..she does the same....they smile at each other but after a few beats an expression come across their facethat reads " now what ' ..
Fade down
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