image for finders keepers. its always hard when
you are a big fan of something then you are asked to
do that love justice. many ideas were thrown around
and this image was in fact a man knitting his own beard
but you reacha point and know something isnt working..
you cant hear yours or their voice at all in the image
so that idea was scrapped and i ventured onto this..

I got really excited about the idea of chinese fans
as wings and while researching bird types i found that
the hummingbird seemed like the best candidate. the sea is
once represented in my work and i suppose if i was doing an
image that would give me a lot of exposure as a designer and
artist it would be best to play to my loves and my strengths.
so i decided on a wild bunch of birds and have been inking them all this
week..the colouring is the next stage and i think may prove to
be the toughest..
So more images from this flock soon and then the final product..