UPDATE: heres a new poster for an idie music
night at melt bar up in the cross..tried a few
ideas out before getting to this..firstly there
was an eye in the sky and a floating staircase
led up to it..nah to pink floyd-y...then a butter
fly with atumn leaves as wings..that was ok but it
was kinda seasonal..then while daydreaming about
eye balls i realised they would make great butter
fly wings.....true story

jst a couple of quick poster
jobs i have done recently ..
one is another trip into space via
the deep blue sea with godswounds and
the other is my angry monster face made
out of american iconography and ufo's for
a doco about the odd characters that fill
out the united states..
the thing i like about this one is that it
depends on how simply you view things ..either
its america with some buildings and ufos or its
a angry monster ready to gobble everything up
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