if anyone knows my work then they know i have worked with
them since their beginning and have pretty much done everything
visual since then ..so their big win ( five arias ) filled me
with a lot of pride and gladly my visual fingerprints could be
seen through out the night .. as shown below.

the video below is a collection of influences i had on the night
from my thank you from the band in their best band speech , to the
use of my doco footage in the bands profile to the performance
of feeding line where my projections are played behind the band.
below is the footage used on the jumbo screen behind the band
its almost like video collage , in it is the wide shots and
landscapes from the feeding line video , plus a plethora of
natural elements shot in close up around my local area plus my
first experimentations with time lapse and mixing time lapse with
photography in the computer..the result feels , i hope , a collection
of old " found " travel footage..
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