Thursday, November 27, 2008

a magnificent xmas

heres a weird fox version of the von trapps
singing carols and erecting xmas trees in
the woods in the dead of night...this is my
first xmas gig poster for this year.yay i hope
i get more ..i really dig doing em

Monday, November 24, 2008

smells like teen spirit

heres the finished (unless changes are asked for)
version of the high school campaign for atyp

Thursday, November 20, 2008

the class of 09

i've been trying to get the teen
monsters right for about a week
now and i think i finally cracked it..
so heres some early unrendered sketches is it ego or therapy putting the high
school version of yourself into a poster

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

very early concept for mr hanlon

heres a really quick sketch i have
been floating in my brain for a while
will send this when coloured ,bg'ed and
bordered to darren and see if he wants
it for either the under the clotheseline
or his december tour

speed drawing-teen monster

boy i wish i could draw this fast..
ok so this is for the teen atyp monster
poster ..having many kids to draw i use
a template of face and body type and then
with each character give them their own
characteristics..this one is the cheerleader

Saturday, November 15, 2008


I will be working with the boys
from the small hours as part of
their design print bizness..first
up is a fun poster for their up
coming world bar gig..i liked
doing this poster alot as it plays
with both colour and shape and
retro also suits the band
and venue which is always a plus

shooting the player : the desks

despite a few delays and the
fact i had to run off to a
wedding this shoot in a burnt
out house in summer hill was a blast..
wow i wish every street had a burnt
house to play long as its not

Thursday, November 13, 2008

chatting up a storm

i wanted this to look like if andy warhol had
been a sk8board designer in the 50's and had done
the velvet underground album...
ps i have so much fun working with mr cheshire.

Monday, November 10, 2008

urban monster children

a new version for the atyp monster
poster ad

Thursday, November 6, 2008

a big day for took tooks

today is indeed a big day for
took tooks and me as i go off
to meet the author with these
concepts for his book..if given
the go ahead excpect to see
alot more took took related
posts...above is the third
colour concept of the took took
and a very early concept of
the island of cap

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

the took took in colour

these are 2 out of the 4 variations
of took took birds i have to present
the author at our meeting

Monday, November 3, 2008

the chats in studio

the amazing trio of ben,dan and joe
hit the studio to record some f the
most catchy diddy's you'll hear this
year...i was lucky enough to take some
pics in the last hour or so of recording

Sunday, November 2, 2008

crooked tshirt concepts

early drafts of the crooked fiddle
t shirt..

little monsters first draft

heres what i just sent through to ATYP
for their schools campaign